Phase I Environmental Site Assessments
Frequently, prospective buyers take a used car to a mechanic for inspection before they purchase. Most prospective buyers hire a building inspector to inspect a house they wish to purchase. The same procedure should be followed when considering a commercial or industrial property purchase. Contamination can result from activities that historically took place on the site or from activities on a nearby property. Discovered sources of contamination are generally referred to as Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs). If RECs are discovered during the Phase I process, then sampling may be necessary to protect the buyer from inheriting the liability associated with the contamination.
Our Phase One Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) will protect your assets by offering the degree of detail required to legally meet your due diligence obligations. Our reports meet or exceed the ASTM-E-1527 standard for Phase One Environmental Site Assessments. Keystone also offers additional non-scope considerations such as asbestos and lead-based paint surveys which can be included as part of any Phase I ESA.
Each Phase I ESA performed by Keystone involves a review of local, state and federal records and databases, a site inspection, and interviews with owners, occupants, neighbors and local government officials.