Lead Inspections and Risk Assessments
Keystone is dedicated to the principles that make great businesses great. Strong experience, ethical integrity, and maximum cost effectiveness are our top priorities.
Lead-Based Paint Inspections
When you move your family into a new home or purchase a new building, chances are you don’t know a lot about the construction materials in the house, or in what condition those materials may be. Don’t lose sleep wondering if lead-based paint is present where your family spends a majority of its time. A lead inspection can be the first step to determining if a problem exists.
Lead is particularly harmful to children. An elevated lead blood level is harmful to developing brains, kidneys, and can mean lower IQ, as well as behavior and learning problems. Painted surfaces that are exposed to friction (windows, doors, floors) are of particular concern. The hand-to-mouth action of young children can result in the ingestion of lead dust. Interior renovations can also disturbed painted surfaces and should be tested prior to performing any work.
Lead is also found in the soil around homes. It comes from paint chips, dust, leaded gasoline, as well as renovations to a home.
Whether you are purchasing new home or building, planning on performing renovations, or concerned that lead-based-paint may be present in your home, contact Keystone and we will assist you in developing a strategy that fits your circumstance.
Water sampling is available upon request.
Post-Abatement Clearance/Dust Wipe Sampling
Clearance examination are performed after a lead-based-paint removal or renovation project to ensure that lead exposure levels do not exceed standards established by the EPA.
Lead removal includes, but is not always limited to:
The removal of lead-based paint and lead-contaminated dust, the permanent enclosure or encapsulation of lead-based paint, the replacement of lead-painted surfaces or fixtures, and the removal or covering of lead-contaminated soil
All preparation, cleanup, disposal, and post-abatement clearance testing activities associated with such measures.
A Keystone lead-clearance includes a visual examination and collection of samples and analysis of those samples by an accredited laboratory upon completion of an abatement project, or maintenance job that disturbs lead-based paint.
High friction surfaces, such as windowsills and doorways are common places where lead dust will accumulate
Proper clearance testing method